Developing a Brand
I aim to create a company that applies and implements practical, captivating, efficient, accessible, and systematic programs to empower individuals with the tools they need to discover and pursue their definite purpose and provoke transformation of their identity into the finest possible version of themselves. Done by equipping individuals with traits such as desire, passion, grit, motivation, persistence, perseverance, faith, self-confidence, and determination that will empower them to develop and perfect the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, interpersonal, educational and any other applicable skills to ensure that they succeed in their goals, find and pursue their definite purpose, and create the identity of the best possible version of themselves.
In other words, providing life, health, and wellness support to help and empower individuals to improve their overall health and happiness and provide them with all the tools they need to take ownership and control of their life and to establish and pursue clear goals.
To impart skills and provide individuals with all the necessary tools to allow them to create and carry out practical plans to transmute their desires into a physical reality. To teach individuals how to: Start and immediately take action, how to stay motivated until they achieve results that form a feedback loop to ensure continuing motivation and action, how to create and follow through with clear-goals, how to turn dreaming, hoping, and wishing into DOING, how and where to find an easy and satisfying place to start, how to find and pursue their definite purpose and ideal identity, and how to acquire traits, skills, tools for a healthy and fulfilling life.
The app that I intend to create is a comprehensive, practical, captivating, and easily accessible app that revolutionizes the life, fitness, health and wellness fields, upgrading and adding upon the best services and apps available creating the holy grail of apps that will tear down even the most difficult obstacles and hindrances keeping individuals from discovering and pursuing the best possible version of themselves and their definite purpose. Through guiding individuals to find and create the best possible versions of themselves they may each leave their mark on the world and fulfill their definite purpose, in turn spreading more motivation, purpose, happiness to others and leaving a lasting impression on the world. This will lead to an avalanche of fulfilled purposes that each make the world a better place, preventing ecosystem destruction, world hunger, extreme poverty, mass pollution, and any other major problem the world is facing. If every individual was able to accomplish their ultimate feats surely solutions would arise to fix any and all of the problems that the world is facing.
Action and Awareness Wellness Systems (AAWS) provides services to any individual who desires a practical, easy, and methodical/systematic/structured/logical/efficient means to obtain health and happiness. Well structured and logical guides provide an efficient means to obtain physical fitness, mental health, and social skills. A systematic approach to improve one’s full potential and obtain happiness is done through personalized guides with unheard of ease and results.
A product that instills passion and intense desire, teaches you to find your purpose, to create a healthy positive mental state, that teaches you the benefits of positive self talk and gratitude, that teaches and instills motivation, self-confidence, self-discipline, self-mastery, grit, creativity, mindfulness, and any other trait that allows them to perfect themselves and achieve their purpose. A product that teaches individuals to place value on mindfulness, self-discipline, grit, habit-building, and self-confidence.
Our product provides effective and efficient services that “teach so others will listen” and become motivated and determined. That teaches others to believe in themselves and cultivate self-love, self-confidence, willpower, courage, mindfulness, patience, and self-discipline. AAWS shows individuals how to root out their purpose, what they truly love to do, what their definite purpose is so that they will generate a burning desire to achieve great things.
AAWS provides services that teach or allow individuals to find out what they are best at, what their core-strengths are, and how to develop those core strengths. AAWS provides services that motivate even the very most stubborn people to take action and cultivate self-growth while having fun. AAWS provides services that allow people to snap out of bad habits.
Demand for life, fitness, health and wellness apps is a largely untapped market that has, due to various factors, grown largely in the past few years and is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. This market has a massive customer base and holds huge demand for products that suit their fitness, health, and wellness needs. More and more individuals are adopting healthier lifestyles and are becoming more mindful of their health and wellness.
Using digital marketing allows for the targeting of an ideal audience and customer base and promotes health and wellness in areas where individuals spend most of their time. The Health and Fitness market is separated into: Diet and nutrition, Exercise and weight loss, medication adherence and activity tracking, and by platform the health and fitness market is segmented into android, iOS, and others. The number of downloads and the usage of health, wellness, and fitness apps increased a massive 46% in 2020 according to an article in the World Economic Forum. There is also a growing awareness in health, wellness, and fitness that is driving the market. According to an article in the World Economic Forum between Quarter 1 and quarter 2 of 2020 the daily active users of fitness apps increased 24%.
Many studios and gyms are increasing their online presence and many consumers are investing in home workout equipment. Advanced apps are utilizing artificial intelligence and machine learning to offer services such as workout routines requiring no equipment, diet charts, diet monitoring, footstep tracking, stress level tracking, heart rate tracking, and many specialized versions of calorie tracking relating to which workout an individual is doing such as waking, running, yoga, high intensity training, biking, etc in addition to offering personalized health coaches and personalized diet tracking. Another major factor, perhaps the largest key factor driving the growth of the fitness, health, and wellness market is the increasing penetration of smartphones. For example, by 2025 smartphone penetration is estimated to reach 77% which is a 20% growth from 2017 according to the Mobile Economy Survey.
Growing demand for real-time data and increased emphasis on the maintenance of healthy lifestyles and overall health and wellness is also expected to vastly increase the health, wellness, and fitness app market size. Additionally, the rising incidence of obesity and related diseases are increasing the fitness, health, and wellness market size.
Market Trends
More than ever, Americans are seeking more efficient and practical ways to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. The field of fitness, life, health and wellness apps is very large and growing rapidly with more than 97,000 apps for mobile and tablet devices with 52% of smartphone users getting health-associated information. Additionally, 15% of 18-29 year olds have health apps installed according to HealthWorks Collective. Quarter 1 and 2 of 2020 saw a 24% increase in the daily active users of fitness apps and the download of fitness, health and wellness apps increased 46% in 2020 according to an article in the World Economic Forum. Between 2017 and 2025 smartphone penetration grew 20% and it is estimated to reach 77% by 2025 according to the Mobile Economy Survey. The fitness and wellness app market has the potential to grow 1.68 billion in 2020-2024 according to Technavio and is expected to reach 14.7 billion by 2026 according to Polaris Market Research. Consumers spent $1.1 billion globally on wellness apps in the first 10 months of 2020 after stay at home orders were enacted with North American users representing 53% of consumer spending.

As shown in this diagram consumers will spend almost $1.6 billion on top mobile wellness apps in 2021, which is up more than 15% year-over-year from $1.4 billion in 2019. Health and Fitness App Market was valued at USD 5.7 Billion in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 25.2 Billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 20.15% from 2021 to 2028 according to Verified Market Research.
Action Wellness Systems will have a physical location for R&D and other things that require a physical location in our home town of Carlsbad since we are building an app, physical location is not important. Otherwise, the app will be first created on iOS and targeted towards iPhone users, then Android users and then we will expand to encompass all platforms.
Our personnel will consist of a variety of developers, web-designers, R&D specialists, trainers, coaches, teachers, Instructors, Advisors, Educators, Lawyers, marketing specialists, inventors, and a mastermind management team. Employee requirements will be strict as we aim to have only the best of trainers, coaches, developers, etc and will vary depending on the area of expertise. Training will vary depending on the area of expertise but will be intensive and comprehensive and upkeep of training will be required of all employees. Work schedules will vary but will not require employees to work an excess amount of hours as to burn them out, demotivate, or decrease productivity.
Executive Team
We have:
- A biochemistry and liberal arts degree with emphasis in science and mathematics as well as a degree in entrepreneurship(soon) and certifications in professional personal fitness training, nutrition, kinesiology(soon).
-Extensive experience in kinesiology, fitness, diet, nutrition, meal planning, exercise prescription, and various other areas relating to kinesiology and fitness. In this area we have many years of experience in exercising, muscle building, nutrition, and have many years of training in martial arts and HIIT/Functional Resistance Training.
-Education in a variety of fields such as stress management, yoga, psychology, physiology, chemistry, mathematics, biology, biochemistry. We have professional training in tutoring and supplemental instruction and have taught as a supplemental instructor and tutor for multiple years at America's highest paid community college in biology, chemistry, and mathematics with the ability to instruct and tutor in any field in which we have experience.
-Vast experience in property management and running day-to-day and other forms of operations required of a property manager such as property maintenance, construction, legal forms, laws pertaining to management.
-Experience in business management having managed multiple locations for a combined many years knowing how to run the day to day operations of a small business including opening, closing, hiring, finance, inventory, payroll, etc.
This is a rough logo that is nowhere near complete but it is what I have been putting on my very early social media accounts. The face of the company would be my significant other and I. As for a tagline, the mission statement section below includes some rough taglines such as:
Championing self-mastery and self-realization.
Effective services and products for the development of self-discipline, self-mastery, and self-realization.
Empowering individuals with the tools for self-fulfillment, self-mastery, and self-realization.
Elevating mankind and pursuing purpose.
Championing self-mastery and self-realization for the advancement and preservation of mankind.
For the advancement and preservation of mankind through self-mastery and self-realization.
Providing the seeds for self-mastery and self-realization that bear the fruit for the advancement and preservation of mankind.
Empowering you to take action, create your best self, and fulfill your definite purpose.
Providing your brain with the most effective signals to empower you to take action, maintain action, create your best self, and fulfill your ultimate purpose.
Mission Statement
I have yet to come up with a definitive mission statement but these are some of my ideas.
We aim to provide comprehensive, captivating, and efficient programs and services to motivate and empower individuals with all of the resources and tools that they need to discover and pursue their definite purpose and create the identity of the greatest possible version of themselves.
We empower individuals with the self-discipline, self-confidence, and motivation to perfect their overall health and wellness and provide them with all of the resources they need to take control of their life so that they may achieve their definite purpose and create their ideal identity, thereby allowing them to make significant contributions to mankind and the planet, creating a better world for everybody to live in.
AAWS is committed to empowering individuals with the tools for self-fulfillment, self-mastery, and self-realization so that they may achieve their definite purpose and create the greatest version of themselves, thereby allowing them to make powerful contributions for the advancement and preservation of mankind.
AAWS is committed to advancing and propagating the health and wellness, life, and fitness fields by providing exhaustively comprehensive and thoroughly effective services and products for the development of self-discipline, self-realization, and self-mastery.
For the advancement and preservation of mankind and the planet by providing a comprehensive system for the attainment of self-mastery and self-realization.
Advancement and preservation of mankind and the planet through the propagation of self-mastery and self-realization.
Providing the seeds for self-mastery and self-realization that bear the fruit for the advancement and preservation of mankind.
Providing your brain with the most effective signals to empower you to take action, maintain action, create your best self, and fulfill your purpose.